Methodist Moments

“It cannot be that the people should grow in grace unless they give themselves to reading. A reading people will always be a knowing people. ” ― John Wesley


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Methodist Moments

Think Like a Wesleyan

Think Like a Wesleyan

“I believe that . . .” “I have faith in . . .” What we believe is what we trust—what we know to be a truthful account of reality. Critical reflection on what we believe is “theology.” Everybody does theology, even when we don’t know that’s what we’re doing. Theology...

Ministry of the Holy Spirit According to Wesley

Ministry of the Holy Spirit According to Wesley

In an article written for Commonplace Holiness Blog, Craig L. Adams asked, "What would have been John Wesley’s attitude toward the modern doctrine and practice of Speaking in Tongues? Pentecostal churches teach that this is a necessary initial sign of the Baptism of...

Love Feasts

Love Feasts

Now is a good time to revive the Love Feast tradition. “The Love Feast, or Agape Meal, is a Christian fellowship meal recalling the meals Jesus shared with disciples during his ministry and expressing the koinonia (community, sharing, fellowship) enjoyed by the family...

Methodism’s Music Man, Charles Wesley

Methodism’s Music Man, Charles Wesley

Born on December 18, 1707, Charles Wesley became famous for the hymns he wrote (think “Hark, the Herald Angels Sing”) and the movement he helped found with his older brother which grew to become The United Methodist Church. Historians at the United Methodist General...

General Rules

General Rules

When properly interpreted, the General Rules of the United Societies provide helpful guidance for the Christian life. According to these rules, one should: • Do no harm.• Do good.• Attend upon all the ordinances of God. The first two of these are fairly...



One of the textbooks I’m reading for my upcoming class is Methodist Doctrine: The Essentials by Ted Campbell, and I thought Doctrine might be a good place to start. In addition to his role as professor of church history at Southern Methodist University (SMU) in...

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